All the artists already edited onto our scarves |
All this contemporary artists are (or will be) edited onto our luxury silk scarves.
Their masterpieces are adapted into 100 numbered prints and each artists let its signature on the design to make an original product. |
Her figurative style,
punctuated with surrealism,
stage characters and familiar
animals result in an
anachronistic universe, full
of poetry and humour. The
drawing is magisterial,
subjects overlap with an
actual mastery, like
levitation in a transparent
material made with unreal
colours. Dreamlike paintings
with a strong originality, he[...] |
Christian EURGAL |
Since 1996, the Eurgal s
pictorial creation foreground
and found its own personality
thanks to its colours, its
writing and the marks of its
allegorical language.
The fawn colours and the
powerful contrasts are the
instigators of his strong
environment where a symbolic
and a mysterious dramaturgy
are constructing. Landscaper?
in app[...] |
Philippe SIDOT |
Philippe SIDOT, modern-
artist, exhibits in France and
overseas. Several exhibitions
led him to the USA
internationals of paintings in
1998, to Paris senate in 2003,
to the academia internazionale
Santarita in Italia in 2007
and others prestigious places.
Recognized artist for
participating to the cultural
heritage of its time, Phil[...] |
Didier CRISSE |
Didier (Crisse) Chrispeels
was born on 26th of February
in Brussels.
He signed his first
professional contract at the
age of 19 with the Dupuis s
editions and "The Ocean s
In the meantime he created
illustrations for
advertisements, storyboards
children s books.
He also designed "Les
aventures de Nahomi"[...] |
Thierry ZDZIEBLO |
Autodidact painter mainly
working with a palette knife,
Thierry Zdzieblo was born the
12th of November 1966.
"There is movement,
enthusiasm, colour. It is
tonic and heavy with a
vitality that stimulates
energies regardless of realism
references. Zdzieblo
constructs an impulsive piece
of art with a communicative
enthusiasm. The[...] |
Anne-Marie RUGGERI |
Anne-Marie RUGGERI
born in the Ain (a French
department) in 1948.
She is an autodidact oil
painter. Passion is the
starting point of her work.
Later, she has refocused on
the pastel chalk technique.
Since 1989, her permanent or
punctual exhibitions in more
than 20 art galleries in
France and abroad have
her activity [...] |
Nicole AVEZARD |
Nicole AVEZARD, glancing at life full of humor, she's eager to amuse
through multiple forms of expressions - and amuses herself by doing so.
Nicole AVEZARD followed an unusual pathway: After achieving a doctor's
degree in fluid mechanics in 1977, she finally devotes herself to theatre
and painting. In 1988, as an actress, she created t[...] |
Bernard CADENE |
The French painter Bernard
Cadene has lived near
Toulouse for 15 years and
loves life and colours and
thanks to his website, he
shares this love of painting
bright, colourful and lively art
with us[...] |
François BOUCHEIX |
In 1962, François Boucheix
decided his surrealism would
be a surrealism of dreams and
François Boucheix's dense and
rich production justifies,
throughout the years, the
multiple exhibitions which bring
him all over the world as well
as the numerous distinctions
and favours which reward and
honour his worldwide-
re[...] |
Laurence DREANO |
Laurence Dréano was born in
1971 in Neuilly and lived in
Paris for 25 years before
choosing to settle in Tourraine.
After attending sculpture
classes in Tours and Paris, she
has moved into a world that is
more poetic, innocent and
idealistic, where games are at
the centre of a round world.
Love, seduction and
weghtlessness. W[...] |
“Painting to communicate”. Is
one of the major goals of her
artwork. Myriam Guenaïzia
draws inspiration from the
depths of her visual and
oversensitive memory:
“Reality is interesting only if it
can be adapted and moulded
as we want. The hand and the
heart are the main tools. Her
stroke is fair and her colour
imposing, [...] |
Patrick CHARRIER |
He was born on February 26th
1958, and lives between Paris
and Bordeaux.
He studied at Badette Serbat
school and "Beaux Arts" in
Up to now, everything he has
done was a success : galeries,
exhibitions, stage
sets, DROUOT, for the last 25
"His personnality is attracting :
the whole of his work is[...] |
Didier DELAMONICA painter artist |
(born in Lille, in the north of
France in 1950.)
His studies include "Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des Arts
et Industries Textiles",
commencing with two careers
working adjacent during
several years, comprising
publicite/advertising and
painting. He abandoned the the
first one.
Now, he presents his work in
numerous [...] |
Michel FOLLIOT artist |
Un passé, un présent.
Son programme, c’est peindre
et chaque fois renaitre, se
dépasser, surpasser les
difficultés en défiant le temps
qui passe et s’élever avec
toutes ces formes imaginées
qui font vivre les ombres et
colorent notre vie.
La liberté du sujet. « Ma seule
préoccupation aujourd’hui c’[...] |
Veronique PAULET contemporary artist |
Véronique Paulet has
embarked on a profound
spiritual quest: to create,
through her painting,
breezeways between the
physical and spiritual worlds.
Inspired by Nature and
its composite elements, she
creates venues where the
earth and spiritual forces meet,
like cosmic foreshores.
Her paintings reveal
sublimated[...] |
Pierrick TUAL artist |
Pierrick Tual est né à Nantes
en 1960. Il est membre
sociétaire de la Fondation
Taylor et membre du cercle
des Artistes Peintres du
« Qu’il s’agisse de scènes de la
vie quotidienne, de personnes
marchant sous la pluie, de
Ou d’enfants à la plage, pour
Pierrick Tual le sujet n’est que
[...] |
Kristoff L, contemporary painter |
Exposé dans le monde entier,
Kristoff. L est installé depuis
une dizaine d’années à
Chardonnay. Revendiquant «
complètement le beau » tandis
qu’un courant de la peinture
contemporaine le rejette,
l’artiste offre à voir des
œuvres positives, inspiré par
l’art byzantin.
« Fas[...] |
Pascal Guerineau |
We are first seduced by his
“laughing eyes”. Then we are
impressed by the tremendous
energy he gives off.
On October 7, 1962, Guerineau
opens his eyes to see world
where he does not belong,
condemned by medical
inevitabilities to close them
forever. Some weeks later,
people are stunned by
miraculous events that [...] |
Britt Vogels, Zen & Design Art painting |
A Belgian artist living in the
Rhône-Alpes region – Grenoble
– France, She creates a
different world where
tranquility reigns and a calming
spirit that leads us towards a
world full of dreams and
Her approach is telluric
(earthy) and is halfway
between that of painting and
that of sculpture.
Using th[...] |
Jean François LARRIEU |
As much as a soul reflection
than a miror to the culture,
Jean François Larrieu paintings
are one vision leading to
amazement. The public eye
immerses itself within his
colorful and unexpected
universe. Number of his
paintings have been inspired
through his several travels,
reinterpreting places according
to his own alphabet[...] |
Carole BRESSAN |
"Les toiles de Carole Bressan
possèdent l’élégance et le
raffinement de l’esthétique
orientale dont elle s’inspire.
Elle aborde ses toiles un peu
comme un calligraphe
compose ses lettres,
lentement, soigneusement et
charnellement. Chaque motif
est traité comme une pierre
précieuse, il ressort de ses
oeuvres une pro[...] |
With his taste for distant lands,
Georges Corominas offers us a
dreamlike vision of the world,
a voyage across the
continents, a voyage through
the ages.
Oh, nostalgia!
A wonderful and bright
universe, full of life, enthralls
us by its magic.
The memories of past times
daintily and elegantly set in a
poetical, dramatic and
ro[...] |
Ludivine COROMINAS |
Fille et petite fille d’artistes
peintres, Ludivine est née à
Mont de Marsan en 1976.
Peintre autodidacte, elle acquit
les premiers enseignements de
son père.
« Avec beaucoup d’élégance,
de finesse et une exquise
délicatesse, Ludivine décline
les couleurs de l’arc en ciel en
créant des tons et des nuances
qu’i[...] |
Patrick Guicheteau came very
early in the paint, which
allowed him, by himself, so to
materialize more and more
realistic, first of unusual
dreams, then the realities of
more urban. But, without losing
the qualities of “hyper-realistic”
for the “Form”, its “Fund”, with
their iridescent color games,
quickly expressed [...] |
François BENETT |
Dans sa peinture, Benett
alterne les contraires. La
spontanéité de l’expression
que permet l’acrylique et la
subjectivité de ses
compositions. Son art est
polymorphe. Les personnages
apparaissent souvent
dédoublés, à facettes,
androgynes… L’ambiguïté, le
mystère lui permettent de
parler et de lui et de nous.
[...] |
Franck Ecalard |
Franck ECALARD est né en
Après des milliers de dessins
sur cahiers, feuilles et calques,
il obtient son diplôme
d’Architecte DPLG en 1994. Il
se consacrera finalement à la
Il peint ce qu’il a envie. Ca
peut être un bolide rouge près
à dégoudronner la route,
comme une femme allongée
dans le f[...] |
BLIGNY Jean Claude |
Les réalisations de Jean-
Claude Bligny, depuis ses
premiers travaux dans les
années 1970 jusqu’aux toiles
les plus récentes, sont une
voie de connaissance par la
couleur et la lumière, un
champ d’expériences
et porteuses de valeurs. Son
oeuvre est essentiellement
celle d’un paysagiste qui n’a
pas rompu[...] |