Autodidact painter mainly
working with a palette knife,
Thierry Zdzieblo was born the
12th of November 1966.
"There is movement,
enthusiasm, colour. It is
tonic and heavy with a
vitality that stimulates
energies regardless of realism
references. Zdzieblo
constructs an impulsive piece
of art with a communicative
enthusiasm. The colour range
rhythm imposes its reason to
the reason, letting the
expressive freedom rule over
the composition, with no other
prerogative than harmony. In
the modern cultural scenery,
Zdzieblo is an artist of its
own. He manages to shrive
these influences to let the
intimates and visceral
impulsions express themselves
freeing positive and
disconcerting waves that make
the emotion purely instinctive."
Thierry SZNYTKA,
Arts Actualités Magazine,
translated by StoriArt